How Can You Coach Yourself to Overcome the Resistance to New Year Resolutions? 

How Can You Coach Yourself to Overcome the Resistance to New Year Resolutions?  2 Year Ago · 5 min read

Talyaa Vardar

Talyaa Vardar, MA, FCPC, MCC
Executive Coach, Psychologist & Art Therapist

As another year comes to an end, we will be looking back at the past months and reflecting on what has worked so far and what hasn’t. With the new year around the corner, the excitement of starting something new is with us too. Let’s use this positive energy to transform our mistakes into wisdom and envision a future that is meaningful for us.

How Was 2022 For You? 

2022 was a transitional year for everyone, after staying home for two years a lot of people needed to go back to the office or the school. So many people reflected on their lives about what they want, what is meaningful and not, what is their life purpose and are they aligned? Additionally, especially younger work force has decided that they would not stay in a place where their values are not appreciated. With that, and big acquisitions of corporations such as Twitter, we had a tsunami of resignations, layoffs, and resentment to work.

What a year we’ve had!

Personally, I believe that these fluctuations are great as they help us to steer our direction towards our life purpose and push us to seek flow of our lives. So, maybe it is time to ask ourselves these existential life-coaching questions:

What do I want to do with my life?

Who do I want to become?

What is a meaningful future for me?

What makes me happy?

What makes me unhappy?

What kind of flow do I want to create in my life?

When it comes to the New Year, the one thing you will hear from everyone is - Resolutions. Especially with the last few years we have had, we can see that everywhere on social media there is wishful thinking, manifestations, resolutions, and we could go on...

We all want to live our best lives. We want to exercise more, be more mindful, meditate more, earn more money… check off the things off our bucket list and more. Then, a few months down the road, we get distracted and start to find excuses to avoid. Then, we feel guilty and worse than before.

In a survey with our FLOW Coaching Institute network, almost 50% of the people told us that they break their New Year Resolutions in 3 months and the main reason is their lack of commitment.

What Can You Do to Overcome the Resolution Resistance? 

Flow Coaching Institute has coached, and mentored hundreds of people and we find that there are a few things and questions that you can do and ask yourself to pick the best resolutions for you and be able to stick with them. 

Most of the time, we don’t ask ourselves the right questions and we tend to follow what everyone else is doing without looking internally and realizing what the best goals and resolutions for us in our current time are and being now. 

Questions to Ask Yourself to Resolutions That Resonate 

  1. What are the 3 main things that you want to stop doing? 
  • This is the bucket that you should start with first so that you know what you DO NOT want. 
  • Once you know what you do not want any more in your life it will become easier to see what you want. 
  • Believe and trust that you can do less of what you dislike.
  • This can be habits, work, thought patterns, and even tasks that you feel are not serving you anymore. 

2. What are the 3 main things you like doing and would love to do more of? 

  • Once you’ve answered your dislikes, this would be a lot simpler to answer. 
  • What makes your soul sing? What is it that you want to look forward to when you wake up? 
  • It can be a hobby, a job that you’ve always wanted to apply for, or even a habit that you want to instill. 

3. Which 3 main areas do you want to evolve in? 

  • Evolving can mean different things here, it can be mentally, or even skills-wise. 
  • How do you want to grow and how would you like to show up in the world? 

With these self-reflective life coaching questions, now you can curate a resolution list that is more effective and productive. Prioritizing is the key to success in anything you can think of. This principle applies to new year resolutions as well. This way, you are more inclined to want to see it through because is it deeply rooted in the way you want to grow, be, and show up in the world. 


So, there you have it - our thoughts on New Year’s Resolutions, keeping them, maintaining them, and thriving at them. 

We wish you all the best and for a much more eventful 2023 ahead for you. 

How do you maintain your New Year’s Resolutions? We would love to hear from you!