How To Build Confidence and Self-Esteem: 6 Practical Tips You Can Implement Today 2 Year Ago · 5 min read

Talyaa Vardar

Talyaa Vardar, MA, FCPC, MCC
Executive Coach, Psychologist & Art Therapist

Confidence and self-esteem are two of the most important aspects that drive our behaviour, thoughts and habits in life. Having high self-esteem and confidence is not something that you are born with. It is a set of skills that needs to be developed over time. Everyone struggles from time to time with their self-confidence and self-esteem but it’s how we deal with those challenges that matter in the end. Having low confidence and self-esteem can have negative implications on your personal relationships, performance at work or school, hobbies, and almost every other aspect of your life. Luckily, there are many ways to increase your confidence and boost your self-esteem through self-coaching and confidence-boosting life coaching skills support. So, read on for our practical tips on how to build confidence and self-esteem

Be Realistic

When we struggle with low self-confidence and self-esteem, we often fall into the trap of being too pessimistic about our abilities in every aspect of life. We are overly critical of ourselves and others, and we focus more on our mistakes than on our successes. Being overly pessimistic is not a good basis to build self-confidence or self-esteem. So, the first step to building confidence and self-esteem is to be more realistic. When you are not feeling that confident, stop and ask yourself what is the reason behind it. It will help you to gain a more realistic perspective on the present situation and allow you to take more informed actions that can help you to overcome your challenge. It is important to understand that we all have strengths and weaknesses. No one is ever perfect. Accepting your imperfections and being realistic about your abilities is a big step towards building more confidence and self-esteem in life.

Change Your Perspective

When you are struggling with low confidence and self-esteem, it can be helpful to change your perspective on the situation. For example, if you are struggling with a personal relationship, instead of focusing on what you have done wrong and the other person’s mistakes, focus on your strengths and the other person’s best qualities. It will help you to reframe the challenge and open up new opportunities to solve the problem. In the example of a personal relationship, it will help you to gain a new perspective on the relationship that can help you to make it stronger. When you change your perspective in life, you can also change your feelings, thoughts and actions.

Build a Stronger Self-Image

A lot of confidence and self-esteem come from the image you have of yourself. It’s how you perceive yourself and feel about yourself. It’s important to try to build a stronger self-image so that you feel better about yourself and your abilities. There are many ways to build a stronger self-image, for example, by identifying your strengths, practicing gratitude, setting goals, and visualizing success. It’s important to learn how to build a stronger self-image because when you have a positive view of yourself, it will help you to avoid comparing yourself to others, it will help you to forgive yourself when you make mistakes, and it will allow you to forgive others more easily as well. It will also allow you to set higher standards for yourself and to dream big in life.

Confidence Exercises

There are confidence-building life coaching exercises that can help you to boost your self-esteem and confidence in life. For example, identify a goal that you have been putting off and visualize yourself achieving that goal as if it’s already happened. It will help you to believe in your own abilities and give you the motivation and energy to put in the effort towards achieving that goal. Another great confidence exercise is to create a positive self-talk list. Every day, write down the things that you do well, things that you like about yourself, and all of the positive aspects of your life. It will help you to acknowledge your strengths and build a stronger self-image that will help you to boost your confidence and self-esteem in life. There are many other confidence exercises that can help you to build confidence in life. Try to identify which ones work best for you and start implementing them in your life.

Developing Self-Esteem

Another important aspect of building confidence and self-esteem is building self-esteem. Self-esteem refers to your view of yourself and your sense of self-worth. It is essentially based on the way that you think and feel about yourself. It’s important to identify the thoughts and feelings behind your low self-esteem and then learn how to change them so that you can build a higher level of self-esteem in life. There are many ways to build higher self-esteem and there are also many ways to destroy your self-esteem. For example, when you are struggling with low self-esteem, it can be helpful not to compare yourself with others. It will only bring you down and make your negative feelings about yourself stronger. Instead, try to focus on your own strengths and positive aspects.


Confidence and self-esteem are two of the most important aspects that drive our behaviour, thoughts and habits in life. Having high self-esteem and confidence is not something that you are born with. It is a set of skills that needs to be developed over time. When you are struggling with low confidence and self-esteem, it’s important to be realistic, change your perspective, build a stronger self-image, and develop higher self-esteem so that you can boost your confidence and self-esteem in life.