How to Set Boundaries to External Negativity? 2 Year Ago · 5 min read

Talyaa Vardar

Talyaa Vardar, MA, FCPC, MCC
Executive Coach, Psychologist & Art Therapist

Are the world problems (pandemic, war, divisions between people) creating a fear response for you?
Let me tell you, constantly focusing on problems will make it worse, and you will only be moving between three survival responses that are fight, flight, or freeze.
Let's not go there because a fear response does not represent our true potential.
In the next two weeks, you can set boundaries to external distractions to protect yourself from the fear response and discipline your psychic energy to move above that kind of stress.

  1. Learn to say no to negativity and negative people 
  2. Restrict viewing news on conflict, violence, crisis
  3. Build learned optimism practice 

Remember, life is precious. So, you are! We are here to actualize ourselves and realize our full potential. If we allow external events to step into our boundaries, we will find ourselves not practicing our ability to protect ourselves and our life.
We have boundaries that are:

  1. Too flexible to say no. 
  2. Too rigid to say yes.
  3. Flexible enough to allow ourselves to say no when it is necessary, and say yes when we want to. 

Healthy boundaries should be flexible enough to let things in that are functional and give us a sense of meaning. 

7 Self-Coaching questions you can ask yourself if you sense a need to set boundaries that will help you control external negativity:

  1. How do you spend your time? Give a percentage to each event, person, activity. 
  2. As you measure your daily activities, what do you notice?
  3. If you keep repeating this pattern, where will you find yourself in a year?
  4. If you could change one thing that will make a positive impact in your life, where would you start?
  5. List three things you will change right now and name them as your ACT OF POWER. 
  6. Journal about them and start acting on each one every week.
  7. Measure progress and notice momentum.