Coaching Techniques That Will Help You Through Isolation

Coaching Techniques That Will Help You Through Isolation 3 Year Ago · 5 min read

Talyaa Vardar

Talyaa Vardar, MA, FCPC, MCC
Executive Coach, Psychologist & Art Therapist

2020 was a hard year for everyone. It is stated that in the US 4 out of 10 adults stated that they were having mental health issues due to the pandemic. This is a huge percentage. And a huge chunk of them mentioned the depression that came from extensive isolation was what causes them to feel this intense form of sadness, depression, and helplessness.

How Does Long-Term Isolation Affect You? 

There's a reason why solitary confinement is a punishment for those who did something really bad in prison. It can turn even the sanest of people a little mad. And almost the entire population of the world had to deal with some form or another of extended isolation. When one is isolated for an extended period of time, this can cause severe depression because of loneliness. Humans are social creatures, without socialization and being able to meet others, speak to them and hang out, causes the brain to feel sad and lonely.

According to this study,

"...As the Greek philosopher Aristotle reminds us, man is a “social animal,” unable to live isolated from others, since the absence of relationships removes essential conditions for the development of personal identity and the exercise of reason".

What Do Coaching Techniques Have To Do With Getting Through Isolation? 

Coaches are trained extensively to be able to speak to their clients, find out what's wrong, and work with them through all of their issues. Life coaches also hold their clients accountable for their own growth. Coaching methodologies have been known to help those who might not have the money or the resources to get themselves a coach. And we wanted to share some of those with you today so that you can also use them on your own if you do not currently have access to a coach.

#1: Practicing Mindfulness

Coaching yourself is a big part of being a coach. And with that comes the ability to practice mindfulness. The main definition of mindfulness is to focus on the present moment. This way, you are able to let the rest of the issues, anxiety, and problems melt away when you only focus on the now and the thing that is directly in your control at this moment.

Practice simple breathing exercises and make sure you leave the house for fresh air at least once a day. Clear your mind when you feel like it's becoming too much. Being mindful also means that you are aware of what you are thinking and that you are conscious enough to stop that thought and try to remove it from your system.

Breathe and start noticing your thoughts is super crucial in practicing mindfulness. As a coach, this is also a great way to get your client to disconnect from their harmful thoughts and self-sabotaging ways and to pivot and shift their focus on the now so that you can break them from the current vicious cycles they might be going through.

#2: Communication 

Coaches are known to be some of the best communicators. They can understand complex issues that someone is going through and be able to calm them down and communicate with them so that they feel safe and heard.

When it comes to the pandemic depression and anxiety that so many people are experiencing, we have noticed that effective communication helps lower the anxiety, concerns, and fears that may be present in the minds of everyone.

Always have a list of a few people that you speak to on a daily basis. It could be your partner, best friend or even your parents. Share with them what you did during the day. Don't stop there, you can also share things like your concerns with how you're feeling. Having a support system is great when you make sure that you constantly communicate with them as well.

These are our two main tips and coaching techniques that we believe you should use to help you in times of isolation and depression. Let us know if you've used any of these and if you did, we would love to know if it helped.