The Average Salary of A Life Coach

The Average Salary of A Life Coach 3 Year Ago · 5 min read

Talyaa Vardar

Talyaa Vardar, MA, FCPC, MCC
Executive Coach, Psychologist & Art Therapist

The salary of a certified life coach varies between $100/hour to $1000/hour depending on the type of life coaching, education, confidence, clientele, and geographical location. The average fee for an hour life coaching session is around $230 USD according to the 2016 global ICF study.

Experience plays a big role in the life coach’s salary increase along with completing a professional coach certification training program.

The number of clients that a life coach gets at one time varies from 6 to 30. The same ICF study revealed that the average income that a coach makes increases over time:

So, what is the average salary of a life coach?

  • 1-2 years $150+/hour
  • 3-4 years $150-200/hour
  • 5-10 years $250+/hour
  • 10+ years $350+/hour

It is obvious that the longer you've been coaching and the more hours you rack up, the higher your salary can be, or rather the more you can demand. In addition to that, if you decide to zone in on a niche of coaching -- like business coaching or executive coaching, you are also able to earn more money that way.

Who are life coaches?

A life coach is someone who is a thought-provoking partner for their client who supports them by:

  • Realizing their true potential and maximizing it through self-awareness and developing new habits;
  • Getting them through a difficult period of their life;
  • Identifying meaningful goals to increase their happiness;
  • Finding a balance between all their priorities including work, finances, family, friends, personal development, self-love, romance, etc.;
  • Closing the gap between where they are and where they want to be;
  • Developing coping skills that will create positive change in life and at work.

If the life coach is a certified life coach this means that they are the experts in the field.

Some ideas for life coaches to create various streams of income:

  • Life coaching with individuals
  • Creating coaching packages
  • Training and workshops
  • Group coaching
  • Writing a book
  • Mentor coaching
  • Motivational speaking
  • Online courses
  • Video series
  • Apps

Choosing to become a life coach as a career path is not an easy decision to make as it's a job that requires a lot of time and dedication. You need to be someone who is extremely dedicated to wanting to help people change their lives.

A life coach has to be there all the time for their clients. And most times, the issues that their clients need to go through are some heavy issues that might take a chunk out of your own cup as well. This is also why a lot of professional coaches need to be mentally and emotionally strong so that they can stay unshaken when it comes to their client's well-being and growth.

You also need to be incredibly attentive and present when it comes to your client's sessions, conversations, and growth. You are there to be a change-maker in their lives. Someone that they can trust 100% that is there and has their back.

If becoming a coach is a dream of yours, FLOW Coaching Institute offers ICF-certified coaching programs for you. You can tune in from anywhere around the world as our programs are online. Imagine that -- you get to become a fully certified ICF coach online. You will be part of an amazing family of world-class coaches who are there to help guide you and shape you to become the coach you are meant to be.

Click here to check out our latest program schedule for an intake that's best for you. We truly can't wait to see you soon!