How Coaching Helps Leaders and Managers?

How Coaching Helps Leaders and Managers? 3 Year Ago · 5 min read

Talyaa Vardar

Talyaa Vardar, MA, FCPC, MCC
Executive Coach, Psychologist & Art Therapist

Leadership coaching is the choice for the management model of nearly half of North American Fortune 1000 corporations and the number is growing. Executives today are faced with ever-increasing leadership issues as businesses go through global change.

The problems they face are unique to the 21st century such as a shift in an aging workforce, shareholder’s demands, demographics of personnel with a new set of attitudes and values.

All together these issues create a whirlpool that leaders must negotiate and go through on a day-to-day basis. A combination of difficult expectations keeps executives on their toes. Today, more than ever, executives need coaching.

Technological advances that gave rise to productivity increases are one of the attributes for the increase in popularity of leadership coaching. Gradually this shift has created gaps between corporations and their executives which is moving them to develop innovative ways to work together.

Currently, most organizations supplement their leadership training programs with situational coaching testing the approach. Leadership training supported by situational coaching primarily assists leaders to design a high-level capacity for visionary thinking, as well as the “soft skills” skill-sets to organize strong relationships with their direct reports and working teams.

How Can Coaching Skills Help Us? 

Coaching skills allow us to approach daily life with balance and mindfulness. Leaders go for Positive Psychology coaching to enhance their own creativity as well as the team. Solution-focused managerial coaching results in significant productivity increases as it provides simple yet powerful systemic tools in a well-structured way.

Its effectiveness is paramount as it puts the abilities in the hands of individual leaders and teams to design their own coaching results. Employees take control of best practices at all levels of the organization. They acquire leadership development tools and team effectiveness tools. All these approaches are designed to empower communication between executives and the corporation.

Best results take place when coaching programs are systemic starting from the top leadership. Great results are achieved when coaching teams are cohesive following a strategy. It's an inspiring thing to see real performance change in executives’ own bosses. People on multiple levels are inspired at once!

What Can Corporate Coaching Leaders Do To Help? 

Corporate coaching leaders need to know them inside and out of the business to follow an integrated coaching model developed for creating positive culture change. The Positive Psychology approach can be most effective as they combine training in “flow states”, accelerated learning tools, and skill-sets to develop emotional intelligence.

ICF Core Competencies include “powerful questioning” and “direct communication”. ICF Certified Coaches are experts at system thinking and catalyze initiatives by understanding the organization's whole cultural system by asking questions at multiple levels and soliciting different points of view.

Skill-based coach training is crucial for managerial effectiveness in these changing times. It enhances emotional intelligence and effective communication which also releases potential, hidden creativity, and innovation. All of these boost motivation to rise. This results in increased productivity and profits for organizations that take the leap to coach.

FLOW Coaching focuses on the Positive Psychology approach to coaching. If you would like to enroll in one of our coaching programs send an email to

Or you can also check out our program page to see what are the next intakes we have. We can't wait to see you there!