How Much Will It Cost to Become A Coach?

How Much Will It Cost to Become A Coach? 3 Year Ago · 5 min read

Talyaa Vardar

Talyaa Vardar, MA, FCPC, MCC
Executive Coach, Psychologist & Art Therapist

If you have stumbled upon this article, we know that you're looking into becoming a coach. There are so many coaches out there today however, there is only one institution in the world that provides proper certification. And that is by the International Coaching Federation.

So, since you're here, I'm sure you're interested in finding out how much it might cost you to become a professional certified coach, well, we break this down in this article.

There are multiple factors that determine the price and cost it will take to become a coach. Basically, it depends on some of your answers to the questions below:

  • Is becoming a coach your hobby or do you take it seriously as a career?
  • Do you want to work independently or for someone else?
  • How soon do you want to become a certified coach?
  • Would you want to travel as a coach?
  • Is getting certified as a coach your priority? (Coaching certification helps your career immensely)

Coaching Training Cost Factors 

The training costs for a coaching certification program is dependent on several factors:

  • You would need to enroll in a coaching certification program if you’re looking to adopt it as a career rather than a hobby.
  • If you are working independently your need for a coach certification program rises rather than if you are working for an organization.
  • Some training takes place over a course of a year and some in a few months. We encourage you to enroll in FLOW Coaching Institute’s fast track courses and coach while you train. Get certified in just a matter of few months.
  • Travelling can be costly instead online training is much for convenient and cost-effective. FLOW Coaching Institute provides 100% online coach certification programs that you can take part in from the comfort of your own home.
  • Certification is key. Certification from an independent organization is preferred. All of FLOW Coaching Institute’s certificates are ICF accredited and certify you as an ICF FLOW Certified Coach.

How Much Should You Expect to Pay?

  • You can get short training for under $ 1000.
  • Accredited/approved training programs often cost more. If you want a particular certification, such as ICF accreditation, be sure your training hours qualify.
  • Average industry costs are much higher than FLOW Coaching Institute’s training programs. You can get certified as an ICF FLOW Certified Coach in just CAD 1990.
  • Higher Certification Costs more than $ 10,000 as an industry average whereas FLOW Coaching Institute’s program certifies you as an ACTP in just CAD 6990.

How Can You Cover the Costs for the Coaching Certification?

  • FLOW Coaching Institute offers payment plans.
  • Some coaches apply for a credit card with zero-interest for the first year and pay with that credit card.
  • Get a part-time job and pay with what you earn
  • Keep your full-time job to cover your coaching certification
  • Some coaches utilize their saving
  • You can train while you earn, pay your training with the income through coaching
  • Downside a bit and pay it off until your coaching career flourishes enough.
  • Your employer may consider paying for your coaching certification if it complements your job.
  • Many coaches come up with a combination of strategies to cover the costs for the coaching certification.

Check FLOW’s Program Schedule now to enroll in your coach certification program with us.