Using the principles of positive psychology to recognise your full potential in all areas of your life can transform you in to a happier person.
Why do you think some people are happier than others? The answer is hidden in the way they think, hence within their established habitual thinking and perception. Habits can change, so can people. Positive psychology is an area of study showing us the way to turn ourselves into happier individuals. It is not rocket science, but it is science.
Acknowledging pleasure and enjoyment
One route to happiness is through experience of pleasure. Pleasure is acknowledgment of satisfying our basic needs such as hunger, thirst, sexual drives and physical comfort. Importance of acknowlodging the pleasure of satisfying for example our bodily functions was first mentioned in the book Utopia by Thomas More.
Achieving flow in the routines of daily life
Unless you are an adrenaline junkie running from one adventure to another, for majority, life is a routine cycle. Most people have a regular cycle of going to the same job or school. Therefore it is important that we develop a feeling of contentment in the present while working towards gratification that is meaningful to us through our jobs, homeworks or hobbies. That gratification will give you a sense of meaning and intention that is worth of seeking.
Recognising positive traits
Positive Psychology gurus Dr Martin Seligman and Christopher Peterson set out to describe and classify human strengths and virtues that help people to thrive. Six virtues emerged that seemed to be recognised and respected by every culture in the World:
- Wisdom and knowledge
- Courage
- Love and compassion (or humanity)
- Justice
- Temperance
- Transcendence
Building and maintaining positive relationships
Both positive psychology and abnormal psychology research show us that having a community and support system are the remedies of anxiety and depression. Investing time and energy in building and maintaining positive relationships are definitely very effective ROIs for your gross happiness.