12 self-care tips for Highly Sensitive Coaches

12 self-care tips for Highly Sensitive Coaches 3 Year Ago · 5 min read

Talyaa Vardar

Talyaa Vardar, MA, FCPC, MCC
Executive Coach, Psychologist & Art Therapist

There is a trait of people known as the Empath or a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP). These types of people are commonly found also as coaches.

Research suggests that 15-20% of all humans are born as a Highly Sensitive Person. There is a need for HSPs specially as coaches since they are more empathic, emotional, easy to sense when something is off and process information more intensely. Highly Sensitive Persons are in essence, sensitive and everything impacts them strongly whether positive or negative. All of this however, can bring exhaustion and burnout. It is both a blessing and a curse to be a Highly Sensitive Person as a coach.

As coaches are an active advocate of positive psychology, their self-care should be a priority. Many of the traits that ICF demands in a Master Certified Coach (MCC) comes naturally to HSPs. Such as deep connection and awareness, coaching presence, empathy, deep listening, intuition and so on.

12 self-care tips for HSP Coaches.

  1. Getting a full night’s sleep. Resting tops one of the most essential self-care things to do list if you are a Highly Sensitive Coach.
  2. Take some me-time. It is important to be alone for some part of the day so you can be yourself when you are coaching others.
  3. Set boundaries. Let yourself know where to draw the line, most often Highly Sensitive Coaches forget to do this.
  4. Have an optimum amount of clientele. Don’t burnout yourself. To put your best foot forward limit your coaching to about 10-20 hours per week.
  5. Have a coach of your own to work out and develop your own best practices.
  6. Practice mindfulness and meditation to help you stay centered and present.
  7. Select your potential clients to avoid working with the clients that might prove difficult to your own self.
  8. Consider having HSPs client who desperately look for coaches who can understand them.
  9. Modify your office space in a way where you work around your sensitivities. The less you have to put up with, the more you can give to your clients.
  10. Create a sales and marketing process that banks on your HSP nature. It can play in your favour and you don’t have to pretend to be someone you are not.
  11. Accept and embrace your sensitive and appreciate that you have found the suitable profession for you.
  12. Self-compassion and empathy for yourself can help you appreciate yourself and your clients.

If you are interested in becoming a coach check our upcoming program schedule and get yourself enrolled in a coaching program that is based on Solution-focused Positive Psychology.