Top 5 Facts About Flow Psychology

Top 5 Facts About Flow Psychology 1 Year Ago · 5 min read

Talyaa Vardar

Talyaa Vardar, MA, FCPC, MCC
Executive Coach, Psychologist & Art Therapist

Flow psychology is a state of mind in which an individual is fully absorbed and focused on a task at hand, experiencing a sense of enjoyment and fulfillment. This state of mind has been studied extensively by researchers and has been found to have several benefits. Here are the TOP 5 FACTS about flow psychology:

1- Flow is a state of optimal performance: Flow psychology is characterized by a state of optimal performance, in which an individual is able to achieve their best work. This state is often described as being "in the zone" or "in the flow," and is characterized by a feeling of effortless concentration and complete engagement with the task at hand.

2- Flow is associated with increased creativity and productivity: When in the state of flow, individuals tend to be more creative and productive. This is because flow allows individuals to focus on the task at hand, without distractions, leading to more efficient and effective work.

3- Flow state can be triggered by a variety of activities: Flow can be triggered by a wide range of activities, including sports, art, music, and even work. It is important to note that the activity does not have to be inherently enjoyable, but rather the individual needs to have a sense of mastery and challenge in the task.

4- Flow experience increases a sense of positive emotions: Flow is often associated with positive emotions such as joy, satisfaction, and fulfillment. Additionally, the state of flow can lead to a feeling of self-actualization, which is the realization of one's full potential.

5- Flow can be trained and learned: Flow can be trained through learning about it’s pillars, just like any other skill. To achieve flow, it is essential to find the right balance between challenge and skill. This can be done by setting goals that are challenging but achievable, and by practicing regularly to increase one's skills.

In conclusion, Flow psychology is a state of mind that can be practiced by anyone, and it is characterized by a state of optimal performance, increased creativity, and productivity, can be triggered by a variety of activities, is related to positive emotions, and can be learned. By understanding and learning to enter this state, we can improve our well-being and work performance.


If you’d like to increase your experience of flow, through a series of practices and methods, becoming a FLOW Certified Coach through our ICF ACSTH, ACTP and CCE accredited FLOW Coaching Certification ICF Accredited Programs please review our web site page here: