Insights from Flow

6 FLOW Coaching Strategies TO Help Build A Growth Mindset

Having a Growth Mindset helps the person to become successful. This growth mindset allows the client to focus on the growth of themselves rather than what might hold them back. They will choose to see the ways to grow and evolve rather than to sit still and wait for things to change.

The coach is responsible to help the person to wire her/his brain to have a growth mindset vs fixed mindset. A growth mindset has future orientation and helps the person to focus on progress. For that, one needs to set a meaningful vision and strategies to help to succeed that vision.

The most fundamental outcome of the Flow Coaching process is the client's establishment of short-term and long-term visions. In order for the person to accomplish this vision, the coach aids the person in setting efficient and meaningful goals. Another important outcome of the coaching process is the person's increased focus on the goals. With the help of the FLOW Coach, the person can better focus on accomplishing their vision.

The very basic elements of the FLOW Coaching Process that help to build Growth Mindset:


The coach encourages the client to discover and express what he/she wants at the end of the coaching process. Sometimes, the time period of accomplishing the vision may inherently be longer than the coaching process and it is especially important to clarify this when setting the success criteria.

#2: Goals

In each meeting, on the path to the vision that the client might have, the coach encourages the client to define his/her goals of the meeting. This could be done with a very simple question like "according to you, what is the best outcome of this meeting?".

If the person is not sufficiently clear, a sequence of questions may also be used. The goal of the meeting is also referred to as the contract of the meeting. The clarification of the contract has critical importance in order for the process of the meeting to be focused.

#3: Creative Planning

In accordance with the established vision and goals, the coach supports the person in planning in the most efficient way, as well as creating alternatives and solutions.

#4: Scenarios

As part of the plan, it is also important that implementation is successful. While applying this, the coach supports the person in focusing on inner motivation and commitment to the process, against the challenges the person may face and unexpected situations.

The coach's job is to ensure that the person uses his/her creativity in order to develop alternative solution scenarios.

#5: Action Steps

In order to ensure development, you need to make a move. Like the Zen master says: the principle "Take a step while praying” is meaningful. Hence, in order for our intentions to be reciprocated in our lives, we define action steps at the end of each meeting.

#6: Sustainable Performance

Since FLOW coaching is a growth model, it is important that growth is spread throughout the process in order for it to be realized. The coach should bring up this topic and ensure that the client thinks about his/her commitment and sustainability to the goals of the process that he/she has defined.

If you are looking to grow as a coach yourself, we would be happy to be part of that journey with you. Click here to check out our latest intakes for you to become a fully certified ICF Coach at extremely competitive prices. We can't wait to see you.

Talyaa Vardar

3 Pillars Of Positive Psychology & The FLOW Coaching Approach

FLOW Coaching Methodology and Curriculum has its foundation focused majorly on the science of Positive Psychology and the FLOW model. This includes solution-focused psychology and brain science alongside creative therapies such as Expressive Arts Therapy. With most of our focuses rooted in science, we take our curriculums very seriously as we believe that when coaching - you need to coach the whole person, and the best way to do that is to fully understand how the person works.

Positive Psychology is a framework for understanding happiness in everyday life. The history of Positive Psychology has its roots tracing back to the early 1900s, in an address to the American Psychological Association where William James challenged his peers to question why some people live fully engaged lives and others don’t.

However, it wasn’t until 1998 that Positive Psychology became an actual scientific area of study. Now considered the founding father of positive psychology, Martin Seligman clearly drew a line between the disease model of early psychologists and the positive model we understand today. For years, traditional psychology had further studied the human psyche and classified groups of behaviors and attitudes into illnesses, diseases, or disorders.

 Unlike traditional psychology, Positive Psychology shifted the focus to “what works” “what can work better” instead of “what goes wrong” or “what’s broken.” Christopher Peterson, a co-author with Seligman and professor at the University of Michigan, defined three pillars of Positive Psychology as

  • Contentment with the past, 
  • Happiness in the present, 
  • Optimism for the future.

I also created a video that is related to these 3 main pillars and why we chose it to be part of our curriculum. As coaches, I believe that our purpose is to become change-makers for the people around us. We have the responsibility to bring about change and also to aid people in their journey through change.

Watch the video here:


There is a lot of fear and resistance surrounding change but as coaches, we know that true growth only happens when change is welcomed. The 3 pillars of positive psychology help not just our clients but also us to be content with our past, be happy with the present, and to also be optimistic for the future.

Through FLOW Coaching Certification programs, our students gain a thorough understanding to build a practice to coach through these three pillars. A Flow Coach helps their clients to perceive their past as a resource to learn from while co-creating their desired future with grounded optimism where the flow is abundant in many aspects of their lives mentally, emotionally, relationally, spiritually, culturally, and lastly spiritually.


Talyaa Vardar

Addressing Pandemic Burnout and Fatigue, Yes It's Real

In December 2020, we reached the one-year mark of Covid-19, and the whirlwind it took us all on does not look like it is going to stop anytime soon. In a time where schools, malls, and airports have shut down, it also came with a lot of changes in the world. Everyone was forced indoors, we had to learn how to work from home, how to connect via screens, and to also share love and laughter through technology.

Pandemic fatigue classified as the "demotivation to follow recommended protective behaviors, emerging gradually over time and affected by a number of emotions, experiences and perceptions" by the WHO is an issue that is plaguing all of us. After more than a year of lockdowns and the "new normal", a lot of people have been saying that they are just done with what's happening and have gotten to a point where they feel like they do not see the end in sight.

Pandemic burnout or fatigue is painful and it has been a huge problem for a lot of people. For the first time, the entire world is experiencing the same issues. Hopefully, it has made us all more empathetic but it does seem like it is starting to take its toll on a massive amount of us.

During this pandemic burnout these things are extremely common:

  1. Mental breakdowns or mental shutdowns happen a lot due to all the uncertainty, fear, and changes that have happened in such a short amount of time. Everything that we are used to has changed. Life does not look the same anymore, and no one knows when we will go back to the way things were. 
  2. Isolation gets extremely tiring, triggering boredom, anxiety, and depression.
  3. Financial anxiety is real. We are hearing that just in Canada alone, we have lost over 213,000 jobs making the unemployment and jobless rate go up by a whopping 9.4%. With unemployment, there is of course the fear of not being able to provide for your family. That kind of stress has been affecting almost everyone. 
  4. The fear of the disease. Everyday hearing about new cases rising and the death toll increasing with no indication of stopping can take its toll on you. We are still in the middle of a global pandemic, facing a disease that we 
  5. The lack of social contact is also a huge contributor to this time of pandemic fatigue.
  6. A lot of research on psychopathology that I have done has also shown that the absence of social support is a crucial contributor to the increased depression and anxiety. 


Some of the symptoms of pandemic burnout or fatigue that you might face are: 

  • Feeling tired even though you've fully rested.
  • Not enjoying yourself or your life in general.
  • Feeling lonely.
  • Feeling depressed and sad.
  • Either sleeping too little or sleeping too much.
  • Change in appetite (eating too much or too little).
  • Easily angry or triggered.
  • Feeling frustrated and stuck.
  • Feeling pessimistic about your future.
  • The lack of hope and expectations for your future.

There is nothing wrong with feeling these emotions, but if it goes on for too long and you feel like there is no way out - you might want to start trying some coaching methodologies that I have come across. After being a professional coach for more than a decade, I have realized that a lot of the Flow Coaching Institutes’ coaching methodologies can be transformed to fit these current issues happening across the globe. 

  • If you are a practical person that is usually satisfied when you see results, you should focus more on short term goals and tasks that will help you. Think one day at a time or even an hour at a time. Smaller thinking helps, especially in these situations.
  • If you are a visionary, you should set a long term vision. Continuously striving to reach these long term goals will help you get through the day. 
  • However, regardless if you are a visionary or a practical person, I want you to think about meaningful goals that you want to achieve that will allow you to overcome this fatigue. Then ask yourself, how can you turn this goal into a meaningful intention?
  • Always stay active. One of our Flow Coaching principles talks about focusing on what we can change versus what we cannot. What’s happening with the world is something we cannot change, so let’s control what we can. Being active. We recommend at least moving around during the day. Take some time to take a walk around the house, get some jumping jacks in, or even just walk in the park down the street.
  • Shift the way you view this time. Move it from the restricted concept of not being able to leave the house and having the work exclusively from home to perhaps a time where you can try to grow yourself spiritually. Take some time to meditate and journal. 
  • Expressing your emotions. Emotions are just forms of energy and being able to express that is the best way to fully understand your feelings & emotions. It can be journaling, painting, or even reading. Take some time to express these emotions in the best way you would like to. 

If you believe that you have reached a place in your life where none of these methods help you, you might benefit from getting professional support in the form of a coach or a mentor.

The world is a very different place today and it does get overwhelming sometimes. This is why here at Flow Coaching Institute, we have made it our mission to help people through these trying times. 

Let us know how we can help. We want to help. As the agents of change in the world, I believe that coaches hold a very special and important role during this time. I take this responsibility very seriously and I would love to know if there is anything I can do for you now. 

If you need anything, please reach out to one of our certified Flow Coaching Institute coaches. You can email us at or fill in one of our forms on the website.

I am looking forward to hearing from you.

Talyaa Vardar

6 Reasons to Become a Certified Coach

One of the first few things you think about when you decide to become a coach is that you are now facing the question of "do you really need to be certified to become a coach?" If the answer is yes, then,  what kind of certifications do you need?

There has been some misunderstanding and miscommunication that surround the statement, “You don’t need a certificate to become a coach”

This is one of the worst pieces of advice anyone can give to a potential coach who wants to be successful. Becoming a coach means you are going to be in a position of power over someone else's life. They have trusted you to guide them and walk alongside them throughout certain aspects of their lives.

If you do not want to take the time and effort to get certified, it might seem that you aren't as serious about it. Certifications allow you to be a fully informed and responsible coach in the long run.

6 reasons to become a certified coach:

Reason 1: You are likely to be more successful

Research suggests professional coaches who obtained certification and training and likely to be more successful and less likely to drop out of the profession.

This is because you have already put in the hours and the money that was required to become a personal coach. This shows dedication and seriousness to stay in the profession.

Reason 2: Certifications helps you stand out

The number one pressing issue facing the coaching industry is the non-certified coaches calling themselves coaches. Certification helps you stand out from the non-coaches who are not certified or trained as coaches. Such individuals, because of lack of training can indirectly harm clients.

With a certification, it makes you a lot more desirable to potential clients as now the level of trust is heightened due to your certifications.

Reason 3: Certification increases your credibility

A survey by ICF suggests 84% of coaching clients find coaching credentials as “important” or “very important” to them. Not only that but professional coaches themselves agree that they feel more competitive after certification and likely to sign up more paying clients.

This also increases your own self-confidence in the long run as you feel that you are more seasoned and have a much bigger authority when it comes to being a coach.

Reason 4: Certification may become a legal necessity

Right now it's not a necessity to have a certification to legally practice coaching but who knows it can change any day. If you are certified, you will save your back when it becomes a requirement to be certified to practice legally.

Reason 5: You will become a better coach

Due to the intensive training process along with the oral and written examinations, you will learn how to become a better coach. It's not only about credentials but also the knowledge and learning that you will gain.

Reason 6: You will follow best practices

If you are interested in following and leading the industry’s best practices it comes with a coach certification. You don’t need to be following just minimum standards but want to shine in the work you are doing.

If you want to get your ICF accredited coaching certification get in touch with us at 

Or you could head over to our program page to check for our next intakes! We can't wait to see you in class soon.

Talyaa Vardar

How Coaching Helps Leaders and Managers?

Leadership coaching is the choice for the management model of nearly half of North American Fortune 1000 corporations and the number is growing. Executives today are faced with ever-increasing leadership issues as businesses go through global change.

The problems they face are unique to the 21st century such as a shift in an aging workforce, shareholder’s demands, demographics of personnel with a new set of attitudes and values.

All together these issues create a whirlpool that leaders must negotiate and go through on a day-to-day basis. A combination of difficult expectations keeps executives on their toes. Today, more than ever, executives need coaching.

Technological advances that gave rise to productivity increases are one of the attributes for the increase in popularity of leadership coaching. Gradually this shift has created gaps between corporations and their executives which is moving them to develop innovative ways to work together.

Currently, most organizations supplement their leadership training programs with situational coaching testing the approach. Leadership training supported by situational coaching primarily assists leaders to design a high-level capacity for visionary thinking, as well as the “soft skills” skill-sets to organize strong relationships with their direct reports and working teams.

How Can Coaching Skills Help Us? 

Coaching skills allow us to approach daily life with balance and mindfulness. Leaders go for Positive Psychology coaching to enhance their own creativity as well as the team. Solution-focused managerial coaching results in significant productivity increases as it provides simple yet powerful systemic tools in a well-structured way.

Its effectiveness is paramount as it puts the abilities in the hands of individual leaders and teams to design their own coaching results. Employees take control of best practices at all levels of the organization. They acquire leadership development tools and team effectiveness tools. All these approaches are designed to empower communication between executives and the corporation.

Best results take place when coaching programs are systemic starting from the top leadership. Great results are achieved when coaching teams are cohesive following a strategy. It's an inspiring thing to see real performance change in executives’ own bosses. People on multiple levels are inspired at once!

What Can Corporate Coaching Leaders Do To Help? 

Corporate coaching leaders need to know them inside and out of the business to follow an integrated coaching model developed for creating positive culture change. The Positive Psychology approach can be most effective as they combine training in “flow states”, accelerated learning tools, and skill-sets to develop emotional intelligence.

ICF Core Competencies include “powerful questioning” and “direct communication”. ICF Certified Coaches are experts at system thinking and catalyze initiatives by understanding the organization's whole cultural system by asking questions at multiple levels and soliciting different points of view.

Skill-based coach training is crucial for managerial effectiveness in these changing times. It enhances emotional intelligence and effective communication which also releases potential, hidden creativity, and innovation. All of these boost motivation to rise. This results in increased productivity and profits for organizations that take the leap to coach.

FLOW Coaching focuses on the Positive Psychology approach to coaching. If you would like to enroll in one of our coaching programs send an email to

Or you can also check out our program page to see what are the next intakes we have. We can't wait to see you there!

Talyaa Vardar

8 Tips to Create a Successful Coaching Bio

For a newly certified coach, writing a coach bio is essential for kicking off their coaching practice. But it can be a difficult task if you don’t have much experience in the field. A good quality coach bio is like your first impression and a part of your professional identity. It is very important to put in extra effort in your coach bio to make sure it's of high-quality as it defines you and your services as a coach.

A finely defined coach bio is a strong form of marketing where you present your coaching style and approach. The following 8 tips to make your coach bio stand out will help you develop just the right one based on your target market and audience.

Here are our top 8 tips to create a successful coaching bio:

Use Impactful Vocabulary & Make It Searchable 

Make sure your coaching bio is “searchable” on search engines. Keep in mind to include keywords that will help your bio show up on the search results when somebody looks for a coach on Google, Yahoo, and other search engines. People usually search for coaches around their locations and towns so make sure to include it in your coach bio such as “Business Coach, Jane Doe, Mount Vernon, NY”. People also tend to search for coaches and not always coaching companies so make sure to create your coach bio under your personal name and with variations of your location so when someone searches our name it can come up.

Share Important Details

Your coaching bio is not only about your credentials. Most of your potential clients would want to know if you have the experience and knowledge to help them. For a short bio, be direct and give important details about what you do best. For e.g. “I can help you improve your lifestyle”. For extra details, you can use another space or a second detailed bio.



Write For Your Target Audience

It is not easy to satisfy everyone. Write your coach bio keeping your target audience in mind. The best idea is to select a few of your existing clients and ask them what they were looking for to get an idea of why exactly they chose you. Get help and ideas from your client’s feedback to create a unique coaching bio.

Share Essential Information

Once your bio is found by your potential clients, make yourself as accessible as possible to them. Always add your website and contact information. Join all coaching directories and databases highlighting your contact details. You can rent a post office box number in lieu of your physical address. The bio should have your business phone number, city and email address as well. Creating multiple contact channels allows your clients to reach you conveniently. Without a proper channel for your potential clients to reach out to you, you might be losing some very important clients.

Create a Trusting Bond

Sometimes one bio is not enough, you can create multiple bios and upload them on different websites and databases to help your potential clients find you. Make sure to add your most important details and credentials uniformly to all bios. Add reputable memberships, institutions, or schools if you think they create a difference. Include all the information a possible client would need to know about you. Sharing credible information forms a trust between your potential client and you.

Be Visually Appealing

To attract more attention to your bio, you can add visuals such as a photograph of yourself. You can also use your logo however people feel more connected to the picture of the coach rather than the business logo. The picture of you must be a headshot of you looking professional and friendly.

Use Reviews and Testimonials

Not everyone likes to talk and boast about themselves. Let others do the talking for you. If you have space it is very useful to include testimonials and reviews from satisfied clients. Even if it’s a short bio try to add a short statement from your client. Word of mouth marketing is still the best form of marketing out there, so why not take advantage of that?

Include A “Call to Action”

This is one of the very important steps. People searching for a coach may sometimes feel lost. It is a good idea to direct them to a specific action. This depends on where your coach bio is featured. On a website, it can have a button to a contact form. It can also be an invitation such as “email me to get started with your first discovery session”. On social media, it could also be a link to your website or a direct link to your Whatsapp so that they can reach you as fast as possible.

Coaching as a profession is not easy - but it is extremely rewarding, You have to constantly put yourself out there to ensure that you find your clients and it can get exhausting. This is why we believe a good coaching bio is extremely important as it is your calling card and without it, you might get lost in a sea of information. What are some of the methods you used to get noticed as a professional coach?

If you want to get certified as an ICF ACC Professional coach, or need help in setting up your coaching practice get in touch with us by emailing us at

Talyaa Vardar

How Can Coaches Define Their Niche?

Whether you have been working in the coaching business for some time or new to it you must have realized the fact that there’s a lot of discussion around knowing your coaching niche.

By knowing your niche, you will be able to find clients a lot easier. It's a lot like becoming a specialist as a doctor. As a coach, if you decide that your niche is life coaching, you will know how to position yourself a lot better. This way you gain a lot more experience in your niche making you better and better in the long run.

The emphasis lies on making sure you turn up on Google searches and your coaching pitch is clear and concise. If the message comes out as no niche, no business.

There are thousands of professionally certified coaches in the world. It is easy to believe if you go online without a proper niche and proper messaging your message might get lost in the mix.

Creating a coaching nice is one of the ways to attracting the audience that you want to your service and conveying your message to them. When people ask you what you do, you might be able to give them a more specific answer.

Let me clarify, you don’t have to focus on your niche right away after you graduate from your certification program. However, after a while, it is useful to be able to say that “I am an Executive Coach”… or “I am a Business Coach”…or “I am a Life Coach”.

You may start asking yourself “What kind of professional coach am I?” and in time your answers might change. Sometimes you find your niche and there are many occasions where your niche will find you.  For the majority of coaches, their coaching niche changes and develops as the coach grows.

You can also ask these series of questions:

  • When am I most in flow as a coach? With whom?
  • Who do I want to contribute to?
  • What is the soul of coaching for me?
  • How do I define myself as a coach?
  • Who am I not as a coach?
  • What beliefs do I have about coaching?
  • What does coaching stand for me?
  • What difference can I make with coaching?
  • What do I want to put forward in the world as a coach?

There is another way to discover your true coaching niche. Which is to simply continue coaching. Trust your instincts and the people that come to you and they will show you the way to go.

As you coach be curious and open, notice, be aware, and use these investigative questions to guide you:

  • What kind of clients comes to you?
  • What kind of people do you enjoy coaching?
  • Who are you more successful with as a coach?
  • Where do you meet dead ends in your work?
  • What do you crave to learn?

Some people fly with people who are in transition, some coaches work well with people who are managers/leaders in their organization, some coaches work well with young people, and so on. You cant get this insight sitting on a desk holding a piece of a blank sheet. It is by coaching that you can find your true talent.

If you are aware of what niche is yours, go ahead and shine brightly. There are many examples of coaches who are doing so successfully in the world. If you don’t know your niche yet, no need to worry. Go out and coach anyway.

Be a lighthouse, show the way to everyone who comes to you, and gradually the right people will find you and over time your true place will be revealed. Let your work show you the way.

If you are ready to become a coach that is a change-maker in your community, head on over to our program page for the next intake. We can't wait to see you.

Talyaa Vardar

6 Tools to Help Your Clients Refocus

Mainly what coaches do during a coaching session is to help the client gain awareness and then take action towards achieving the goal client has in mind. But sometimes the client’s mind can have distractions which makes it hard for them to concentrate and take action.


Use some of the ways below to help your client to refocus and direct their energy to what they want to change.

List of Tools to Help Your Clients Refocus

Being aware of where they are

Positive psychology defines it as Active and Constructive Responding. It helps to give strength to relationships and causes people to be more accepting of ideas and suggestions.

Increasing positivity

When there is enough positivity around people tend to be more creative and open. They can feel more confident and open to making changes.

Asking instead of telling

Asking questions is a great exercise. Find out about where the client is right now and where they want to be. This way you also prompt your clients to really think about what they truly want. Most times people haven't really thought through what they really want and this way you force them to put things down on paper.

Focusing on positives

Problems exist but its more important to emphasize the client’s assets which is their strengths, their support system and their resources (time and money)

Presenting a new habitat

Take the client out of their comfort zones. The client’s old reality supports old habits and to really change them they need their world to change. Create an environment that fosters change and positivity.

Don’t expect instant change

Some clients are not ready to change, and they go through stages of change before they take action. These stages include Precontemplation, they might not realize the change needed or feel pressured by someone to create the change. Then there's Contemplation, where they start researching about the change but they are not ready to act on it.

Finally, there's preparation, when they're making necessary plans to set themselves up for success, such as changing their schedule and learning new techniques. after all, that is someone able to actively change and, even then, they probably can't change everything at once. Getting a client ready to change is part of coaching them to change.

Being a great coach is an art form; not everyone can do it with ease. To many, it may seem like an effortless skill, but in reality, the very best coaches inspire, empower, and motivate their clients to progress and succeed. If your clients feel lost don’t be demotivated and try out-of-the-box approaches to get them to refocus.

If you are looking to broaden your coaching scope and learn more about tried and tested coaching methodologies to improve your own sessions with your clients -- head on over to our latest program page to see when you can join us in the next intake.

Becoming a certified ICF coach will help you transform your current coaching practice because we focus on teaching you how to coach the whole person and walk alongside them in the transformational journey you are embarking on together.

Talyaa Vardar

What is Executive Coaching?

Modern-day executives are challenged more than ever. In today’s VUCA (volatility, uncertainty, complexity, agility) reality, executives must be more than one thing. They need to know how to balance business with people's priorities. They must develop a macro-perspective in order to lead in a complex environment.

More than ever, they have to develop self-awareness and adopt a habit of self-reflection. Due to these influential skills, executive coaching has been in such high demand across the globe. In a recent study run by the International Coach Federation and PwC, participants stated that Executive Coaching generated 7 to 400 times the ROI for themselves or for the organization they work with.

Executive Coaching is about partnering with leaders and senior managers to support them in their priorities such as:

  • Accelerating their business results;
  • Developing their leadership skills;
  • Helping lead the change in turbulent and uncertain times;
  • Transitioning them from a being operational manager to a transformational leader;
  • Supporting their vision and strategic thinking/planning/implementation skills;
  • Being their sounding board and opening the space for them to reflect on their decisions;
  • Supporting them to develop more leadership insight;
  • Aiding them in coping with stress and developing habits for resiliency;
  • Helping them gain a macro-perspective and big-picture view;
  • Supporting their influencing skills and enhancing their leadership presence;
  • Increasing their agility and business judgment.

Executive Coaches that are successful earn a 6K figure income each year.  But how do they do it? We interviewed Executive Coaches in different countries including the FLOW Coaching Institute alumni. We came to the conclusion that eight out of ten coaches finished an accredited coach training program and obtained their certification.

We also learned that most Executive Coaches (65%) have already succeeded in obtaining their ICF PCC (International Coach Federation Professional Certified Coach credential) or MCC (Master Certified Coach credential). When we interviewed executives and asked them about what qualities they are looking for in an executive coach, we came to the conclusion that the majority want their coach to have a leadership background prior to their coaching career.

They also stated that they want to be able to trust their coach, so confidentiality is an important quality. They also mentioned that they want to work with a coach who invested in themselves in terms of education, wisdom, and experience.

When we spoke to the human resources professionals about these qualities, the majority (70%) emphasized that when they look for a coach for their executive team, they want one who is certified, preferably with PCC or MCC credentials. In their minds, PCC is the gold standard for coaching.

If you are interested in becoming a successful Executive Coach, we suggest that you make a plan that includes:

  • Starting with a search for an accredited coaching program to complete your coaching certification training;
  • Asking yourself how you can start gaining coaching experience in working with executives, including not being afraid of providing pro-bono sessions at the beginning of your career;
  • Giving yourself a deadline to apply for your ICF ACC and/or PCC certification;
  • Setting up a goal such as how many clients you want to coach per week a year from now, or how much revenue you want to generate in a year;
  • Working on your business plan;
  • Working with a coach yourself - coach and be coached!

If you want to take the plunge to become a professional executive coach, you should sign up for our Online Business Coaching Certification Program where you learn all the ropes of becoming a successful executive coach. We can't wait to see you soon.

Talyaa Vardar

5 Ways To Keep The Momentum Going After Completing Your FLOW Coaching Program

In the FLOW Core Foundations fast-track program, you will be part of a community of like-minded individuals with a drive to learn and an aspiration to become an ICF certified coach. For 15 weeks, you will meet up once a week in an online class led by a PCC or MCC facilitator, and be assigned with a student buddy to implement the tools and competencies learned in class.

These weekly buddy practices give you the chance to experience what it feels like to have a consistent coaching schedule and gain new perspectives by coaching individuals from diverse cultures and professional backgrounds. As you acquire new coaching abilities, others from your entourage — friends, family members, colleagues, neighbors, and more — will naturally seek your professional support for a variety of goals, which will add additional hours to your coaching practice.

There are many reasons why people choose to undertake this program: some want to become an ICF-accredited life coach, others simply want to add new skills to their existing corporate jobs, and there are a few who may be attracted to the remote lifestyle that coaching can offer. Nevertheless, a sustainable effort is required throughout and after the program to strengthen your skills and keep the momentum going.

Here are five ways to make your post-program journey as exciting as when you first started, and maintain constant progress towards your full potential as a coach:

Stay in touch with your peers and other FLOW alumni

Did you know that a FLOW community Facebook group for alumni exists? There are ongoing trendy discussions about coaching; you may want to check it out! Many FLOW alumni are wanting to improve their skills, grow their businesses, learn from others’ experiences with clients, coach, and be coached.

This may be a good opportunity for you to exchange coaching sessions and gain additional hours for your ACC/PCC accreditations. Coaching others outside your niche will expand your perspectives as a coach, and help you become more comfortable dealing with situations beyond your area of expertise.

Also, if you felt comfortable pairing with certain students during your cohort, and if your schedules match, we highly recommend that you keep practicing and implementing the ICF core competencies and tools learned in the program.

Keep a consistent coaching schedule

With the many responsibilities of modern life such as career, family, parenting, community, and more, it is common to forget to make time for the fulfillment of our own personal aspirations. If you are that type of person, with an overflowing schedule, what can you do to make space, perhaps a few hours a week, for your coaching practice?

While you may be actively looking for new clients, you can ask a Flow alumni, a friend, a family member, or anyone else you know who might benefit from coaching, to fill up that time frame. That way, you are setting the motion for a consistent and growing coaching career, creating a vacuum for an abundance of high-paying and long-term clients.

Volunteer in your community

Coaching is a set of competencies and skills that include active listening, presence, direct communication, empathy, and more. You’d be surprised how many volunteering opportunities you can find in your community to compassionately help others using your skills as a coach.

For example, many local hospitals are looking for volunteers to actively listen to the needs of rehabilitating patients and conduct group facilitation activities. There are also non-profits for a variety of causes that use the power of direct communication to empower individuals overcoming personal life challenges.

Presently, FLOW Coaching Institute is partnering with WESTM TO, a non-profit organization that supports women through career planning in science and technology; many FLOW alumni in the Toronto metropolitan area are volunteering as life coaches for this long-term project.

Focus on your personal development

During the FLOW coaching program, as a student, you’ll be highly encouraged to keep a coaching journal, where you can write about the challenges you may face during your coaching sessions. Journalling is an excellent way to keep your emotions, feelings, and ideas in check, and understand yourself on a deeper level.

Other self-awareness activities include reading a motivational book, practicing yoga, sitting in meditation, doing sports, listening to relaxing music, looking at art, and taking trips in nature; you can be creative and choose anyone that draws your attention to the present moment and lets your deepest awareness come to the surface.

Remember, harnessing present-moment awareness and learning how to regulate your own emotions and thoughts will greatly impact your ability to be more grounded and empathize with your coaching clients. Moreover, if you’re a knowledge-seeker, you’d have a great pleasure attending one of the FLOW webinar series, where you can learn about the latest buzz topics in coaching.

Network, network, network!

Now that you’ve completed your FLOW coaching program, you are ready to present yourself to the world as a professional ICF certified coach. There are many social media platforms online to make yourself visible to potential clients and expand your coaching network.  Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter allow you to reach out to very specific target niches, and LinkedIn makes you connect with professionals from a wide range of corporate fields.

You can also look out as well for upcoming conferences in your area, and exercise introducing yourself as a coach to others. The purpose of attending these is to develop the confidence of explaining who you are, what coaching is, and showcasing your newly acquired coaching skills.


Elie Abou-Jaoude is a Certified Life Coach, ICF, FCC, who brings a transpersonal and holistic approach to coaching and helps individuals go through major life transformations and reach their fullest human potential. He also prepares mindfulness workshops for corporate groups. Always provides a safe, culturally sensitive, compassionate, and supportive environment during sessions.

Talyaa Vardar